Friday, December 07, 2007

Ami McNay Joins the Jury

Well, sis, sorry that Ethan got voted out. He was such a nice guy. Shy, unassuming, likeable, athletic. He was a little bit strategically challenged, but he is clearly the kind of guy you want your daughter to marry. He may not be a great Survivor player, but there is more to life than that.
Okay, okay, I know that you didn't choose Erik just because he looks like Ethan (winner of Survivor Africa, and Ami's favorite Survivor contestant ever). But my case is that they are both shy, athletic, considerate guys with curly hair. Come on, what was I supposed to think. And the fact is, if Erik had been in a majority alliance he, like Ethan, would have had a good chance to go the whole way without ever getting a vote. But, as it is, he was in the minority and he had to be taken out in 6th place. Nothing to be ashamed of there.
By the way, whew! I was afraid for my boy Todd. And speaking of Todd, I think Erik lost some points by publicly questioning the veracity of Todd's conversation about his sister who had a miscarriage. It is one thing to think about that, but it is quite another to publicly challenge it. I thought it was kind of lame. Not as lame as how Courtney played it up, though.
Now is that point in Survivor when you have the players who are good and the players who you like. Erik was one that you like, and so is Denise. I am finding myself wanting to pull for her. She is just so cool.
Amanda is turning on Todd next week. But obviously Todd finds out. Todd Vs. Amanda. Should be good. It will probably come down to Denise again. Hope she sticks with my boy. Either that or Todd has to win immunity.
P.G. is a fighter! Man, good for her. I just think she has been so mean, though, that she would have a hard time winning even if she got to the end (unless she was up against Courtney).
Ah, Courtney. Just nothing profitable to say. Nothing strategically.
So, we're down to five, and I just wanted to mention that the Final Five are:
Dan Stump (P.G. and Courtney, also known as "the field"; Dan didn't get a pick in, so he got the four remaining players, two of whom are still in it).
Andrea Moffat: Amanda (who Andrea picked 9th, after such picks as Aaron, Dave, and JR).
Karina Franklin (Denise, who Karina picked as the last individual pick before Stump picked up "the field").
Me (Todd, of course, who I picked Fourth, after James, Erik, and JR).
All that to say that most of the people still in it were not the hot picks at the beginning. Good job to all.
1. P.G.: Now is a real possibility. If she makes it to the end, which will probably take at least one more immunity win, she may pull it off. She's a fighter.
2. Denise: Definitely could win. She is the ultimate underdog.
3. Amanda: Needs to oust Todd next week. If she does, then she is the ultimate strategic player in this season.
4. Todd: Needs to oust Amanda next week. If he does, then he is the ultimate strategic player in this season.
5. Courtney: No chance. Sorry.


At 3:57 PM, Blogger Eric 'n Leah said...

I can't believe that no one has commented on the great commentary! THanks for the recap of strategy, and keep it up! Eric

At 8:52 AM, Blogger Mirranda said...

It was an exact copy of the Johnny Fairplay trick - so the suspicions are understandable.

Can't wait for next week! Go, Amanda!

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

Dude...that was lame. Todd's sister thing was lame too. Go Amanda.


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