Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Theology of a 4 Year-Old

So, last night and this morning I had some interesting conversations with Matthew, our four year-old. Last night for his bedtime story, I read to him about Jesus walking on the water. At the end of the story, the disciples worshiped Him, saying, "Surely You are the Son of God."

This led into Matt asking who God was if Jesus was His Son.
Ever try to explain the Trinity to a 4-year old? Let me just say that my explanation began with, "Well, Matt, this will be confusing."
This morning I was reading to Matt about the creation of the world. Let me relay how the conversation went:

"Do you know what God created after the animals?"


"God created man in His image."

"But didn't He first create some cages?"

"Cages? Why?"

"For the animals. Like in a zoo."

"Well, Matt. This was before Adam and Eve sinned, so the animals weren't scary at all. They could go up and pet the lions."

"Wow!" (he really liked that)

"But after Adam and Eve sinned, the whole world went wrong. And now some of the animals are scary and we have to be careful."

"But one day God is going to make a new earth and we can pet the lions again." (I am serious; he said that!)

"That's right, Matt. And when God does that, no one will get hurt, or sick, or sad."


"And do you know the best part of the new earth?"


"God is going to come and live on it with us."

"Ahhhh!!!" (this was not an expression of fear, but of great wonder and excitement).

Karina and I have prayed a lot that God will draw the hearts of Matt and Jack toward Him. We continue to pray, but it was so exciting to see God drawing Matt in the last couple of days.


At 9:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for recording this! I love overhearing your conversations with Matt...I'm thankful to be doing the parenting thing with you!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger The Wolf Pack said...

Dan, you are an amazing father. And an amazing speaker. Thanks for inspiring me to remember to use those small moments to talk about Jesus with my girls.


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