It's a . . .
So, our appointment to find out the gender of our baby got moved up to this afternoon (it was going to be yesterday). When we ask Matthew whether he wants a brother or a sister, he responds, "I want both of them." We'll see. That would be quite a surprise. For whatever reason, Karina is really convinced that it is going to be a girl. This makes me think that she's right, so it will really throw us off if it is another boy (even though we have no hard evidence for it being a girl).
So, if you are family, and are reading this on Wednesday morning, expect a call later on today.
Well, I know this seems cheesy, but I also had to make a comment about the whole Survivor fiasco (for all you fellow fans out there). As several of you pointed out, my favorite contestant, Michelle, was voted off right after I made my list. I was bummed. Things just conspired against her. First, the team immunity. Then, her team make-up being what it was (with virtually no allies for her). Then, Stacy doing horrible on the challenge, and basically losing it for them (even though Michelle made up some time on the puzzle). Then Alex's brilliant communication skills at Tribal Council, which clearly influenced Dreamz. Well, I was super-bummed (you can ask the Staffords; I was yelling at the TV screen). Anyway, I am looking forward to tomorrow night because, as far as I see it, it's Alex vs. Earl. They each think they are in control, and they each have an ally with an immunity idol. Interesting. I hope that one of them does not go because I really like them both. In fact, here are my new power rankings (not really power rankings, just my new list of favs).
1. Alex (I don't blame him for Michelle going; he's really cool)
2. Earl (solid)
3. Edgardo (yes, Mirranda, he's a really nice guy)
4. Yau Man (he ruled in the challenge again)
5. Mookie (moved way up for trying to keep Michelle around, and or effectively playing both sides)
6. Boo (I'm pretty indifferent, but he saved them in the puzzle challenge)
7. Cassandra (hasn't done anything to make me care one way or another)
8. Stacy (like her even less after she stayed and Michelle left)
9. Dreamz (in the doghouse for voting off Michelle instead of Stacy after he and Mookie had clearly agreed).
It also made me laugh out loud to see from the commercials that Dreamz tells Cassandra (and Earl) about Mookie's immunity idol this week. Boy were Alex and Edgardo right. What a crack up.
Watch Matthew be right. :)
Let us know when you find out!
Well, it is Thursday morning and I didn't get a I off the fav fam list? Maybe I should check my cell...
Kelly has $50 on Alex to win in a school pool (only cost her $5)... so I am really hoping your list is good from here on out!
Duuuude... about 24: holy cow! Jack is on a rampage to get his lady back. I saw Audrey being alive - I didn't see this plot twist though! Wow, sure plays into the rumors that Jack is going to die this season!
Survivor? wow...dan...I didn't know things were this serious. We were all hoping that 24 was just your fix of bad tv for the week but I guess bad programming is just addicting...
Don't worry, you have people here for you.
PS hope you're feeling better
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