Thursday, April 19, 2007

And May Your Second Child Be. . .A Masculine Child

The title says it all. We found out yesterday that we are going to have another boy. Pretty conclusive. Once again, I understood very little of what I was seeing during the ultrasound. Karina seemed to know what was going on. When the tech went in for the gender check I still didn't know which way was up, but when she stopped the picture and said, "Can you venture a guess?", even though I could see nothing, I knew it must be a boy. You gotta look for nothing to know it's a girl, so it makes sense that you find out much faster if it is a boy.
So, we don't have a middle name yet, but it will be Jack Franklin.
Ami, glad you got the message. I guess I should have tried your home phone instead of cell. I just don't ever call people (except mom and dad) on anything but cell phones anymore. Next time I'll try both.
I loved how half of the comments on the last post were about the baby, but the other half were about Survivor. You may mock me (especially you, Grubbs), but you know you love it.
By the way, Dave. Don't let Kelly get her hopes up too much on Alex winning. Since I proclaimed him as my new fav, it is almost certain that he's next to be voted off. I'm going for two weeks in a row.
All that to say, Woo hoo, we're having another son!


At 9:40 AM, Blogger Greg and Andrea said...

Yeah! A little brother for Matthew!

At 3:12 PM, Blogger DK said...

Just for good measure, you might as well make Sawyer his middle name. It's a solid masculine name too.

Jack Sawyer Franklin

Plus, it would make for a good story when people ask him how his parents chose his name.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Dave, Ami, Hadleigh Claire, Annelise, and True said...

Again, I will offer you my name for the middle name. Ami is a good Biblical name (Ezra 2.55), as well the owner of the Miami Ink shop is named Ami and he is from Israel. I think naming him after the dude from 24 and the dude from
Miami Ink/his aunt would be cool.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

That's very exciting, you guys! Working on your baseball team.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

Congrats Dan and Karina! Karina, I have an idea how you're probably feeling...when I was pregnant with #2, I thought for sure it had to be a girl because I wanted one so bad. I had myself totally convinced! When we found out it was another boy, it was like someone punched me in the stomach. I literally had to go through a grieving process over the loss of the daughter I thought I had before I could accept another son. But fast forward to 4 years later and now I have 2 boys and 3 girls. God had it right all along!

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Megan said...

Congrats! Lots of boys in the family, lots of cousin fun!

At 10:49 PM, Blogger DK said...

Sawyer, a womanizing con man?! You could of told me your opinion to my face.

When you put it like that, of course it's not appealing. I was thinking more of his strong sense of sarcasm.

Besides, I haven't heard many other suggestions...


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