Brother Jack
Due dates can be funny things. You certainly don't want to feel like you are planning to have a kid in the same way that you plan to take a trip to the beach house. At the same time, in our age of family planning, it is not a bad thing to think, "Hey, if God allows things to go as we plan, why not try to work it out in a way that makes sense and seems prudent?"
Anyway, didn't mean to initiate a debate on family planning. My point in saying that was only to mention that Karina's due date is August 30/31. I should be starting the Fall semester of seminary that week. Hmmm. Should be interesting.
Either way, can't wait for Jack's arrival.
Okay, also, I am writing my final Survivor post. Some of you have had classic comments on the posts about this season. I especially liked my sister's. She said in her last comment that, in every episode Dreamz goes up on her list, but then he plummets at the end when he decides to vote with the crowd. I thought that was pretty right on.
I was bummed that Alex went down (sorry to Kelly McAllister). I was glad, however, that he gave it a great shot at immunity and at tribal council. I thought his strategy to vote out Yau was good. I was even rooting for it to happen because it would have been an amazing blindside.
Anyway, some final comments:
It looks like it will be another Final Three. I like the Final Three a little because it allows the possibility of the two best players being in the finals (last year with Yul and Ozzy). I don't like it, though, because it makes it easier to get to the finals, and it also takes away the responsibility of the final immunity winner to pick the person they want to sit across from.
Anyway, I predict that Yau will win it. He's played the best socially, strategically, and physically. And he has the idol. I think he will win a jury vote, and I think he deserves it. I think the Final Three will be Yau, Earl, and Stacy. No one will vote for Stacy, and it will come out 7-2 in favor of Yau. Specific enough.
And here are my Final 6 Favorite Rankings:
1. Yau Man (deserves it; gutsy not to play the idol)
2. Earl (the only person who is close)
3. Cassandra (smart move trying to get Alex's jury vote by talking to him; bad move by not voting off Yau)
4. Boo (I like him, but I don't think he has a strategic bone in his body)
5. Dreamz (dumb move not voting off Yau)
6. Stacy (openly admitted that she was a follower; lame)
OK, I prob agree with you, though I do think that Yau would be an idiot to take Earl with him to the final vote. And it bugs the c--p out of me that Stacy might make it that far...ugh.
On the Jack note, we just watched the Incredibles and I think that you should start calling him Jack-Jack.
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